Bed bugsBed Bugs
Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed exclusively on blood. They are hitchhikers and are often brought into homes by guests or after traveling. However, they can be brought into your home on your clothing, backpacks/purses, or used mattresses/furniture. They are flat, oval shaped pests ranging from 1/16’’(nymphs) to 3/16’’(adults) and are brown to reddish brown (after feeding) in color. These bloodsuckers harbor in cracks & crevices during the day and come out at night to feed on their hosts. A female can lay 1-5 grain-like eggs daily. The eggs are milky-white in color and are laid in dark, dry areas. If not treated properly these hitchhikers can spread quickly.

How do I know if I have a bed bug problem?

  • sightings of live or dead bed bugs
  • visible signs of their feces (dark brown to black marker dots/ink)
  • blood stains on pillows or mattress (caused by crushed bed bugs)
  • shedded skin (exoskeleton of growing nymphs)
  • clusters of eggs (pearl-white the size of a pinpoint)
  • a “sickening sweet” smell from the glands of their body
  • itchy bites on your skin
    • *Everyone reacts differently to bites, please consult with your doctor before assuming the bites are from bed bugs
  • Are bed bugs hazardous to humans?
    Yes, to some degree. Bed bugs do not carry any diseases and do not burrow into skin. However, their bites can cause allergies, infections and even blood-loss. If left untreated they will continue to feed off human blood- their main food source. An infestation can even cause psychological issues.
  • What can I do to prevent a bed bug infestation?
    Bed bugs can be found in the cleanest of homes and businesses. Many times, you cannot even tell if you have an infestation. Since they reproduce quickly, we suggest addressing the problem right away. The sooner the infestation is addressed, the sooner your home or business will be pest free.

Click here to learn about our bed bug remediation service.


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