CockroachesCockroaches, among the hardiest and most adaptable of insects, can be found wherever moisture, food, and shelter are available – even in the cleanest of homes. Because they tend to travel through a variety of habitats including sewers and refuse, cockroaches are capable of spreading a number of diseases. They are light brown with a flattened oval body and typically measure 3/4″ when fully grown. By keeping food storage areas clean and dry, and foodstuffs tightly sealed, you can reduce the likelihood of cockroach infestation.

  • How do I know if I have a cockroach problem?

    • sightings of live or dead cockroaches
    • visible signs of their feces (resembling black pepper/coffee grounds)
    • shedded skin (exoskeleton of growing nymphs)
    • smear marks
  • Are cockroaches hazardous to humans?
    Yes. A cockroach infestation can place your family or employees at risk if not properly treated. They can carry problem causing bacteria & viruses and spread diseases. E. coli, salmonella, typhoid, and sepsis are just a few complications that can result from having these resistant pests in your home or business. Dust from cockroaches’ fecal matter is known to exacerbate asthma and allergies. Many physicians believe the dust can cause asthma in children with a bad infestation.

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