Critter Ridders will customize an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy to fit your needs and budget.
Critter Ridders maintains hundreds of commercial accounts from apartment complexes to schools, and restaurants. Some require only one visit per year, while others are treated on a weekly or monthly basis. Our Service Manager, Bill Shirtz, has over 34 years of experience in the pest control industry. His knowledge, background, and understanding of pest control will help your commercial property be pest free quickly, accurately, and efficiently. Critter Ridders will help identify the problem, work with you to eradicate the pests, and come up with strategies to reduce or eliminate future problems.

Preventative and Extermination Services:
We offer professional and effective services. A Technician will be assigned to your account to ensure consistency and knowledge of the services at your location.
*Integrated Pest Management*
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly, common-sense approach to controlling pests. It is a decision-making process which helps our technician decide if a treatment shall be administered, when and what strategies shall be integrated for immediate and long-term results. A pest management program uses chemicals as a secondary line of defense. A successful program includes good sanitation, solid building construction, maintenance, and exclusion programs.
Our Services