Stink BugsStink Bugs
Stink bugs are not destructive to your home or business. They are non-threatening home invaders that can be a nuisance if they congregate in large numbers. Stink bugs have triangular, grayish-brown, marmorated shields on their backs and scent glands under their bellies. These 5/8’’ clumsy fliers are most active in the fall when they begin to come in homes and businesses as temperatures begin to drop. Their marmorated coloring allows them to protect themselves on trees from their predators. When provoked or crushed they will release a distinctive smell.

  • Stink Bug Prevention Service: Aug 18 – Sept 30, 2025
    * These dates are subject to change as the treatment window could be later in warmer fall seasons.

Click here to learn about our Fall & Winter Home Invaders Prevention service.


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